Oil and Water

Warner Saunders reads the news off of the teleprompter like he is seeing it for the first time. It seems like he does not even understand the news and he often flubs his lines. I wonder if Saunders dozes off between takes because he frequently reads the news like he just woke up. In all seriousness, Saunders is about as bad as local news gets.
Marion Brooks has been filling in for the competent Allison Rosati. When Brooks is not testifying about her affair with then-married former Atlanta mayor Bill Campbell in a federal corruption case, she is looking dazed and confused while reading her lines.
Not much to say about Brant Miller. This guy is more vanilla than cream soda. They could have a computer deliver the weather and it would be as interesting as Miller.
None of Bruce's 10pm teammates have any personality or ability to interact in any kind of entertaining or natural way. The requisite banter between newsreaders is unbearably painful as Bruce cracks jokes and the other people on set just don't get it. It's pretty awkward. Contrast this team with that of Barely Today. The BT team was fun and worked well together. The 10pm team is devoid of charisma and I look forward to Bruce making jokes at their expense.
Labels: Barely Today, Brant Miller, Bruce Wolf, extramarital affairs, federal probes, Marion Brooks, Warner Saunders, WMAQ, you call this journalism?